Join us for a truly outstanding Goalkeeping Clinic for ages 7-12 with Antonio Ferragonio, Former Professional Goalkeeper, with College, High School, Club, Travel and Youth coaching expertise.

- December 21st, 2019

- Ages 7-12: 10.00am-12.00pm

- Location: 60 East Hanover Avenue, Unit B-2, Morris Plains, NJ

- You will truly be Inspired! Register NOW, limited spaces.

- FREE CLINIC!!!!!!!

- We will also be running 8-week Goalkeeping classes starting in January, 2020!

8-week GOALKEEPING Program:

- We are also running 8-week Goalkeeping classes starting in January, 2020!

- Tuesdays

- 6.00pm-7.00pm (Ages 7-12)

- 7.00pm-8.00pm (Ages 13+)

- $250 per player