FC Futbol Foundation: Who we are
FC Futbol Foundation uses Futbol as a tool to unite, to inspire, to drive creativity and allow freedom and expression to flourish through play...
FC Futbol Foundation was created through a love of the game, a love of what it stands for, a love of what it can bring, and a love of what it can change for the positive...
Our story...To Dream...
Chris Calveley
Founder and Director of FC Futbol Foundation
From playing in Scottish parks, playgrounds and streets till dark, on broken concrete, rocks, bare grass, mud, with sweatshirts, schoolbags, or lampposts for goals, in the pouring rain, cold, sleet...opportunities to play were created not given. Wherever it was...Futbol was my home...somewhere I could get away from life, somewhere I was comfortable, somewhere I could dream, somewhere I could be me.
My dream is to spread the world of futbol and create opportunities for children to play the beautiful game anywhere and anytime, and allow them to find their 'home'.
My passion lies in Futbol and in education. I have taught and coached for over 14 years, from preschool through to High School and Academy Clubs, and my mission remains the same: To inspire and enrich through Futbol and empower players to feel freedom through play. Teaching about the game, about themselves, and learning skills that go beyond the field of play…using Futbol as a means to unite, inspire...
FC Futbol is committed to development through 8 key areas:
- Education
- Health
- Outreach
- Awareness
- Acceptance
- Equality
- Community
- Collaboration
We do this through:
- Soccer programs
- Soccer education
- Community outreach
- Fundraising Events